Tuesday 5 September 2017

New Edition - New Army

Hi All,

New Army

As most of us have already experienced, 8th edition is a nice change up to the old ruleset. It streamlines a ruleset that has both good and bad points and allows for a quicker and more bloody game. I'm a fan, and am enjoying it, so much so I went back to an army I started over a year ago and decided to actually complete them for 2000 points. the army in question is Necron's.

I've always enjoyed the fluff regarding the Necron's (apart from that fluff about the Blood Angels!!). Their new rules in this edition are great and the re-animation rule is pretty damn cool and matches their fluff to a tee!
In addition to the fluff, I also wanted an army that was easy to paint (but one I could add something different too).

I started the army with the Necron starter set. The set includes 1 overload, 12 warriors (odd number!), 3 bases of scarabs, and a triarch stalker. All of these models will feature in my army. The overlord as a compulsory HQ (probably a lord), the warriors will be beefed up to either 15 or 20, the scarabs will be used to soak up some firepower and protect against charges and the triarch stalker will be there to buff the army (it allows other Necron units to re-roll 1s if they shoot at the same target).


To get the correct colour I decided to use army painter primer chainmail spray. I like the spray as its pretty thick and gives a great primed surface to either paint over or use as a base. After the base coat, I then use a 50/50 mix of Agrax Earthshade wash and chaos black. I think that the wash alone doesn't darken the metal enough for me as I like it to be more dirty. after the wash I let it dry I drybrush the model with lead belcher and then dry brush it again with Necron compound. this second drybrush provides a very light metal surface on top of a darker metal on top of the washed metal. This effect comes into is own when those areas are glazed.

This is the second time i've used glazes; the first time being when I used them for the power weapons on my 30K iron warriors after a chat with Rob Hill about how he did his Solar Auxilia armies glow effect. 
For the close combat weapons and the joints between the triarch stalker, I have used Gulliman Blue; for the warriors weapons and the glow for other bits I have used Waywatcher green. As with all glazes, they have to be built up over a number of applications, but the time and effort it worth it. The glaze is thin enough that the lighter drybrushing can be seen through it and the levels of lightness can be seen which provides a great shading effect.

This is all I've done so far; I have just brought some Lychguard, some more warriors and Immortals which will be done next. Ill try and use this blog to show the progress.

I encourage you to use this blog for all of your projects whether it be 40k or X-wing, wherever your hobby takes you. Just drop me a line on facebook or through the Bristol Vanguard forum and ill send you a link.



  1. They look good Dan. The only thing I would say is the bases could contrast more but that is probably the lighting.
