Wednesday 10 May 2017

Parnassus - Phase 1

 The Shrieving of Parnassus – End of Phase One

Well it’s the end of the first phase of our group’s local narrative campaign and much shrieving was done!

The action was kicked off by the militia exploring the jungles, they discovered a small laboratory operated by none other than Gahlan Surlack.  Disturbed by the intrusion of the Loyalist forces, Surlack unleashed his fiendish creations upon the unsuspecting militia and decimated them.

The Death Guard arrived planetside and found little left from their prior orbital bombardment. Kursk surveyed the gloomy rad filled wastes as was drawn to a small golden speck moving at pace. Little did he realise that forces of the Ten Thousand has landed on Parnassus seeking answers from the ruins of Isstvan.

Safe to say the DG were caught by surprise by the Custodes, in particularly their highly tough troops!

The Death Guard caught the Militia in their Noose, the Shadow War mission played for this match was Noose, which meant that an independent character had to be assassinated. A template was laid down and obliterated in the first shot of the match.

A force of Alpha Legion and their Militia Serfs encountered a loyalist force comprised of Shattered Legions and Solar Auxillia. Much fire was exchanged but it ended in a stalemate both sides retiring to lick their wounds.

Later, a lone company of the Vkla Fenryka penetrated Surlacks secret laboratory under the jungle. The resultant carnage pitted the World Eaters savagery against the Vkla Fenryka’s ferociousness. Scars from the Night of the Wolf had faded but memories were still raw.  Ultimately it was the grim determination of the Vkla Fenryka that prevailed.

Finally, the Salamanders were traversing the Rad Wastes looking for their next traitor target. They didn’t have to wait long because the
The mission was Hunter/Hunted, where half of your army has to be in reserve. Salamanders had 3 units of outflankers while the DG had to put heavy weapon support squads in reserve, which immediately put their gunline disadvantage. The deployment was quarters, which restricted where they could deploy and aided the Neikia getting right in his face.

The Overall standings for Phase One:

Phase 1: challenges played
T1 Alpha v Custodes, hive city – Postponed.
L1 Militia v World Eaters, death forest, - loyalist lose challenge.
T2 Deathguard v Custodes, death forest. Traitors lose challenge.
L2 Ultramarines vs Word bearers, Postponed.
T3 Militia + Alpha vs Shattered Legions & Militia. Draw (traitor lose challenge).
L3 Wolves v World eaters. Hive city. Loyalist win challenge
T4 Death Guard at Rad wastes v Militia. Traitor win challenge.
L4 Sallies v DG at Rad Wastes. Loyalist win challenge
T5 DG vs Militia At Hive City. Traitor win challenge
L6 Wolves vs Alpha legion at Forest. Loyalist win challenge.


Forest. Traitor Nil. Loyalist 1
Hive. Loyalists 1. Traitor 1.
Rad waste. Traitor 1. Loyalist 1

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