Tuesday 26 September 2017

New edition - New Army II

So as well as Dan starting a new army with his Necrons. I have also taken the release of 8th and the subsequent re-balance of all the factions to start a new army.

To avoid the suspense, I have chosen one of the older or elder races in the galaxy; the Craftworld Eldar or Aeldari (as they are now known).

Image result for eldar

I have always been drawn to the Elves from Tolkien lore, especially their ethereal (not to be confused with T’au) appearance and demeanour. Now this is Sci-Fi so I am using the tenuous thread of Elves in Space to satisfy my curiosity. What sold it for me was reading through Gav Thorpe’s excellent Path of the Eldar series, it really gave me an insight into the enigmatic elder, though don’t be surprised if you see a Striking Scorpion soon! When I mentioned my choice of Army to one of the guys, he laughed and said ‘You always play the good guys!’

The other reason for choosing Eldar is the stigma associated with playing a powerful army.  I have only played against Eldar once with my Ultramarines in 7th and it didn’t go well for me! Now they are quite lack lustre (though there are some powerful combos) and its exactly why I have felt it’s the right time to start this army.

Enough of my ramblings, I have chosen to break with my usual tradition of using existing Craftworlds and I have decided to feature my own Craftworld, Kei-Lorien.

It was lost in the eye since the Fall, but safely anchored in a redundant tunnel of the webway, to avoid attracted unwanted attention the Seer council cast a psychic veil over the Craftworld. Therefore isolating itself from the galaxy at large. However the Great Warp storm changed all that, now the Eldar of Kei-Lorien venture forth

I have three distinct themes in mind for this army, based on the concepts of Speed, Bastion and Willpower.  One arm will be a Windrider raiding host, jetbikes and more jetbikes, the second is a traditional warhost, with a few Aspect squads within and the third will use the Wraith constructs to destroy the enemy.

So far I have managed to pick up a Farseer Skyrunner, a squad of Wind riders and a small Eldar Battleforce to paint up, I have chosen a Purple scheme which I will update you soon with the results.
Stay tuned …


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