Sunday 12 March 2017

The Might of Ultramar vs. The Wrath of Fenris

Hi all,

I have been slowly collecting an Ultramarine force, since Betrayal at Calth came out. It's only in the last few months that I have been able to experience proper Heresy battles.  Bristol Vanguard's 30k Group has been meeting on a regular basis now (usually the first Weds of the month) this is the first time I have written up a BatRep. Hope you enjoy it!

The Battle of Krellic VII:  Leman Russ, the Wolf King the Lord of Winter and Ruin, Primarch of the VI legion was not too impressed with his brother Roboute Guilliman, Lord of Macragge and Primarch of the XIII Legion, the Ultramarines. The heresy was a time of severe tumult, many compromises were made, most notably in Ultramar with Imperium Secundus. Upon hearing of Guilliman's heresies, Russ went to Krellic VII to 'have words' with his brother. The Lords of Terra, afraid to lose another Primarch sent Brother Captain Lorenzo and his host of Blood Angels to intercede, hoping that the image of the Great Angel may help cooler heads prevail.

The Ultramarines: I have been waiting to play RG for a while, I finally had the chance. I was partnered with Rich, who is himself building an Ultramarine Army. Our list consisted of 3K of my Ultras and 1K allied Ultramarines.

Battle lines are drawn.

The noble Guilliman (half finished) on his noble chariot, Regis Konor, with 5 Invictarus Suzrain.

The Vkla Fenryka: Since Inferno was released, Dan has been itching to play his rules, packed into the Spartan was Russ, Freki and Geri, Geigor and many more Grey Slayers! Scary!

 The Vkla Fenrika: Leman Russ and his Wolf-Kin are sat in their chariot to be conveyed to the Ultramarine lines.

The Blood Angels holed up in the objective zone, don't think it will last long!

Turn 1: Ultramarines take first turn, (even with Guilliman's re-roll on Seize) The movement phase was fairly minimal, with tanks jostling for position.

Watched over by the Jelly Babies, the Ultramarines open fire. I'd never thought Ultramarine shooting could be fun, This turn we managed to immobilise the Leviathan, strip a few hull points of a dread and wreck quite a few transports. Though that's good news for the Grey Slayers within!

The Anvillus comes down but is intercepted by the Dual Kheres dreadnought and was subsequently immobilised. However it's contents of Grey Slayers were delivered to the battlefield.
Dan's rhino filled with Grey Slayers manage to pop my Melta Squad rhino, but I only took 1 casualty!

Turn 2: UM The plucky 'melta squad manage to blow the BA Rhino parked in their HQ, causing a 6" explosion, blasting those unfortunate Grey Slayers and BA Veterans. (You can see Dan reluctantly removing his models!)

Below shows the calm before the storm... both sides poised for a very large melee.

Guilliman's Terminator cadre bravely whether the storm of Wolves (both Marine and Real), however despite tanking a butt load of AP2 wounds the 7 man Terminator Squad are whittled down to the Praetor who bravely ran away... only to be chased down by the Geri and Freki!

Turn 3: After consulting his Codex, Guilliman decided the best tactical move was to wait inside his Land Raider for reinforcements to arrive. However he didn't count upon the second Dreadclaw dropping behind, so reinforcements were going to be delayed. Some good shooting whittled down the Grey Slayer packs in front of the Regis Konor.

However Guilliman's noble chariot was destroyed by a few melta bombs, leaving Guilliman and his honour guard surrounded by a pack of ravenous dogs!

Though one of the high points of the game was the Spartan reversing onto the terrain and subsequently immobilised itself, unfortunately it was down to its last HP thus removing itself from play!

Then the inevitable happened, Russ tore into Guilliman, the Sword of Balenight swung and was met in turn by the Gladius Incandor.

After the first round of close combat, Guilliman only took a single wound whilst Russ took 2. Wonder how long that will last?

Meanwhile, Guilliman's honour guard face the horde, it didn't go well for them at all! Despite the Suzrain's AP2 axes, they weren't enough to stem the tide of Claw, Axes, Blade and teeth! All 5 Suzrain and their Chaplain are removed. Even Ancient Galatus takes one melta bomb too many and explodes, causing a single casualty for the Wolves.

Finally, surrounded by a ravenous pack of Wolves and their King, Guilliman faced his errors. It took the Axe of Helwinter, several Great Frost Axes, a pair of Rending Claws, Geigor's Fell hand and a humble Power Fist before Guilliman finally succumbed to his wounds.

So, as you can probably tell I was quite sucked into the melee at the centre of the board. The real battle came at the opposite edges. The mission was to capture the opponent's objective. So whilst my Veterans were trying to capture the Wolves/BA base, the BA were capturing the Ultramarine base. The game ended in a Win to the Vkla Fenrika, just, but the Ultramarine definitely gave a good fight!

My first Primarch outing wasn't a great success (for RG!) but i learnt loads and hope to field RG in more games in the future!

If you are stuck for things to do and need some heresy love, check out Bristol Vanguard 30k Group on Facebook and come along to our monthly meets. Maybe one day we might do an event.... who knows.

1 comment:

  1. Great report, it was a brutal combat in the middle.
