Thursday 23 March 2017

Russ v Guilliman - Part 2

Russ Vs Guilliman – Part 2
The Vanaheimr Retribution
After suffering grievous wounds at the hands of his erstwhile brother on Krellic VII, Roboute Guilliman and elements of the 3rd Chapter headed for Russ’ last known location.  Vanaheimr or Vanaheim in High Gothic a supplementary Forge World supporting the Vkla Fenryka, there have been rumours of a terrible outbreak of violence on that world due to the machinations of Lorgar’s foul gene sons. The VIth legion had pledged many oaths to defend this planet, from every threat within and without. It was in the midst of battle that the Ultramarines found the Rout, their entreaties unanswered the 42nd Company, 3rd Chapter descended upon Vanaheim.

Dan and I had another game recently, as we regularly play with or against each other its good to develop a bit of a Narrative as to why the VIth would take on the XIIIth, as they are supposed to be allies after all! Interestingly Vanaheimr is a Norse world, one of the 9, that is home to the gods of wisdom, fertility and precognition (remind you of anyone?), it is also a minor Forgeworld in the imperium that was featured in the Badab War books. I thought it fitting to meet Russ once again, who knows maybe we could ally to defeat the real foe (Chaos traitors) in a later game.

We played Mission 5: Tide of Carnage. Using Dawn of War deployment, Primary VPs given to scoring units in the opponent’s half (7), Middle of the Board (5) and controlling your own half (3). Secondaries: Slay the Warlord and Surviving Units. A special rule for this game was that units with the Tank type were scoring, including large tanks!

Pride of Ultramar

Russ' Rabble
Our lists were similar to last time, the exception for me is that I swapped out my Scorpius for a Legion Vindicator Destroyer. There is about 30pts difference so I had to play tunes with some units and remove Armoured Ceremite off some transports. Dan’s list was largely unchaged as he frantically trying to paint them up for an event in May (I am sure he will blog his preparations in time). The other difference was our Allies weren’t here, so it was a straight up fight.

Turn One: As I won the roll off, I went deployed and went first. Expecting Russ to take the centre I deployed in to counter that, with my Sicaran and Melta Squad covering the flanks. The wolves deployed fairly liberally and clustered in the cover (except the flare shielded Spartan), it was also night fighting as well! With my movement being minimal, I started to shoot, the first casualty was a Grey Slayer rhino and the Leviathan lost a hull point, to the Sicaran. Even the Spartan lost one HP to the Vindicator. 
Wolves hiding in a Ruin!

As expected the Anvillus drop pod came in next to my terminators, giving them a small tickle with its heat blast attack. Getting out of the Spartan (good choice – see below) the Grey Slayers bounded forward (toward the terminators) and Russ, Freki and Geri leapt forward for Guilliman’s Land Raider. Being a little wimp the Leviathan came forward to aim its Melta lance at the Vindicator. Before the Wolves could open fire, the Sicaran intercepted (due to G’s rules) the drop pod and Ancient Galatan also shot at the drop pod, though only causing a single HP damage.

The great thing about the new Wolves rite of war are the bonuses that get, particularly with ‘Howl of the Deathwolf’ and Russ brings it as well. Naturally the Wolves howled and got an extra Run to close charge range for my terminators. Russ and Wolf-kin ripped up the Land Raider and 20 Grey Slayers charged the Cataphractii clad termies. The resulting combat was quite furious, 20 maddened Grey Slayers led by Geigor Fell-Hand literally tore into a unit of terminators, killing all of them with less than half killed in return. I remarked afterward that the GS are a great utility squad, all Wolf players are going to have to model almost every Ranged/ Melee weapon option for their GS packs.

Turn Two: Ultramarines are not normally known for their swift and vengeful retribution, however this turn felt that way! Guilliman and his ‘Boyfriends’ disembarked from their transport and went straight for the poor defenceless Grey Slayers in their own table half. The Sicaran, unable to shoot went to score a touchdown, this was additionally aided by a single unit of Vets on the opposite side of the board coming on from reserve. (Touchdown complete). Melta squad got out of their transport to harass the flanks, leaving their Rhino to race onwards to score.  Shooting phase saw my Volkite squad choom some Wolves from the GS pack off the table, most notably Geigor, Laser Vindicator stripping more HPs off the Leviathan coupled with the Quad Mortars chipping away at Russ’ unit. Assault phase saw my Contemptor, charge the Grey Slayers and Guilliman charge the second GS pack.

Seeing Guilliman on the charge was pretty amazing, he pretty much cleared the squad all bar one guy, who then got a Legatine Axe to the face from the Chaplain. The Contemptor did its job and tied up the GS pack for a turn.

Wolves turn 2 saw Russ stalk toward a far off Guilliman (subsequently failed his charge, though we later realised that Beasts have fleet and that charge role could be re-rolled!), the Leviathan tried to blow up the Sicaran and whiffed, a unit of deathsworn came on to deal with the Vets in the flank. The original Deathsworn in the Anvillus hurled their potions and stasis bombs at my Volkite squad, wiping them all out! – Pretty cool bag of tricks there!

A second hilarious moment of the game, Dan’s Spartan rushed forward to attempt to score a touchdown on my half of the board, as it crested the hill, Dan rolled a 1 for Dangerous terrain.  This is the second time his Spartan has hobbled itself like this! It secretly wants to be a Drop Pod!

Turn Three: Allowed me to consolidate Guilliman further away from Russ’ making him come to me gave me the chance to try and wound him first before the inescapable fight. My second unit of Vets came on next the Sicaran, scoring more touchdowns! (I need to start playing bloodbowl!). My Vindi and Mortar team put more wounds on Russ’ unit, taking down Freki (or was it Geri) and wounding the second. Guilliman precision shot Russ but failed to wound, and the Suzrains also failed to take the final wound off the lone Wolf-kin.
Elsewhere my Dual Kheres dread charged the Grey Slayers - It didn't end well for him but it tied up that unit for 2 turns!

Oh and my Sicaran blew apart the Leviathan with its Lascannons, ending its misery there.

The Wolves turn saw more advancement and encirclement of the Wolves all over the board. Russ eventually solo charged Guilliman and his command team (however Geri got killed to overwatch fire!). This battle wasn’t really meant to be a re-match from the other week but with 2 Primarchs on the table it was inevitable that it would happen. Guilliman accepted the challenge from Russ and the two began to slug it out.  

Turn Four: Was where the action slowed down and the battle focussed on the Primarch fight. Elsewhere on the board my Vets disembarked and proceeded to wipe off the Elsewhere on the board my Vets disembarked and proceded to wipe off the deathsworn squad - Sniper Vets are ace!

First round of combat goes to Russ, but he took 2 wounds from massed Legatine axes chopping at his feet!

Guilliman tanked the wounds off Russ (Re-rollable Invun save is awesome) whilst failing to score many hits on Russ. The key part in this fight was that Russ was alone however Guilliman’s

For me, the Primarch fight was fun, though the confusion over Russ’ Axe rules meant that we were second guessing what the best course of action was.  So Dan did lose a bit of steam in the match (I think it was because I killed his Pups!) however it was a good example of how FW do need to pay attention to the rules they create. 

Overall the scores worked out to be: 8 - 7 to me as we both claimed each others half and the middle zone was contested. Though I luckily got slay the Warlord!

As side note we intend to develop the Battle chart that the 30K group had last year, though there will be no element of competition in this, as its meant to be fun and friendly!  I am sure that Russ will get his revenge on Guilliman in the coming months!

Next Heresy night is 5 Apr, hopefully there'll be more epic action!

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