Monday 21 November 2016

A new heresy begins!!

Hi all,

New to the whole blogging thing however it's the next logical step to getting things all Heresy Vanguardian to a wider audience and allowing people to add posts of their own.

This blog will be mainly dedicated to the horus heresy setting, including battle reports, discussions on tactics and list building as well as hobby related items.

I will have a look and check how to give people permission to post on here and update you all soon!!

Hope to see your posts on here soon!!



  1. Great to see a new blog and community starting up in Bristol.

    I'm just starting my Salamanders/Shattered Legion/Blackshields force.

    I know that sounds like I can't get off the fence, but to me the developing story of your army is what really makes Warhammer work, and I look forward to seeing what direction my hero from Istvaan takes in his onward campaigns - hence the options of the shattered legions and Blackshields.

  2. That's the hardest part about the heresy, there so much good lore out there that you develop new ideas for armies all the time.
