Monday 28 November 2016

The Results Are In!!

In a drive to create a more involved gaming community for all things 30k, Toby created a short but valuable questionnaire that has allowed us to gather a good bit of information regarding your approach to the hobby and your preferred sized games  including most suitable location and time to play.

To allow you all viability of the responses, we have collated the information, banged them into a bar chart and have added them on here with a quick discussion on each, enjoy!!

Question 1 – What do you most prefer about the hobby?

What this shows us

It’s obvious that the majority of the group prefer to play their games after painting them and that we should aim for gaming over that of painting and modelling; however it is also noted that these do in fact incur interest from the group

Question 2 - How often do you game?

What this shows us

Following on from the previous question, we wanted to know how often you could play. This would allow for us to organise a gaming night that would suit most people (understanding that we can’t always please everyone)!

Most people can attend once a fortnight, which echo's the approach and success that the 30k/40k fun nights have seen. This day is usually on a Wednesday or Thursday.

It would appear that the best approach to take would be to hold a 30k night once a fortnight for the majority of people as well as a monthly session.

Question 5 – What times are best for you to game?

What this show us

Although not strictly the next question, it helps to put this question directly after how often you can play. Most people can attend at some point within the week, and if not then then weekends are the next best thing.  The way forward for this information is to identify what days are best suited for most people. I often find it easier for Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, however finding a  night that suits all will help with organising a group night

Question 3 – Which of the following do you play/enjoy the most?

What this shows us

 The majority of people enjoy playing with lists between 2000 to 3000pts. This is certainly what I have been seeing over the past few months and allows for a good decent game to be had. Smaller battles and doubles is also seen as an intrest as are smaller games below 2000pts including Zone Mortalis.

Question 6 – Your preferred/most accessible gaming venue

What this shows us

Probably the most important question to try and organise a regular night; where can you play. It would appear that the most obvious place to hold these group meetings would  be at B.I.G.; however, it is noted that sometimes it can be tough to get to one location, so those that couldn’t make it often shouldn’t be penalised for it.

Question 7 – What would you like to see more of in the future?

The chart didn't work on here for some reason but so you'll have to believe me!!

The data shows us that you’re all about the fluff!! This is certainly what I have seen from those opponents I have played within the last year. Toby ran a great escalation campaign at the beginning of the year culminating in a grand battle, within this it was a painted only event which allowed pople to aim to paint a specific unit for the next battle which ran on a monthly basis. I ran a heresy campaign weekend that attracted a number of clubs and saw the loyalists get beaten by the traitor legions!

A number of people like the idea of gaming tactica and list building discussions (something that goes on anyway, as well as hobby how too’s).

How are we going to use this data?

What I think would be the logical next step for a growing community would be for a regular meet for the 30k players to allow more networking of players. not only do you get a regular time to organise a game but it's also good to see who else is on the scene. To that effect I propose we set a time and date for a monthly meet on a Wednesday at first and see how that runs.

Of course we can still organise games through the heresy group but we should aim for a larger more organised meet once a month. I'll update the heresy thread soon with the first date.

With Christmas looming, the monthly meet will probably occur early Dec and can change in the new year to suit.

Monday 21 November 2016

Hate vs Vangaurd 2016

Last year Paul McCabe organised an interclub event that was hosted at BIG in bristol. it was a great event that pitted vanguardians against hate(ians?). Vanguard as ever saw the vs in the title and took it as a proper challenge and brought their A game. Vanguard took the win and we got the trophy for a year.

This weekend just gone was the second year Paul ran the event and it was held at Hate in Bethnal green. The idea was to change venue from Bristol to London every year so that the travel was spread between the two clubs.

Eight vanguardians travelled the breadth of the UK to Hate with all manner of lists. I think we all took fun and fluffy lists which may have resulted in a few easier wins for hate it just made us work harder. Hate won the campaign and have the trophy for the year.

My List

I had decided a couple of months ago to take my iron warriors to the event, problem was I only had one set of seige tyrant terminators and Perturabo!! I had already decided that I didn't want to paint anything I had already used for my space wolves so I decided that a terminator deep striking force would be cool.

My list for the event was:

Primarchs Chosen

Perturabo with hammer

3 x Iron Circle Domitars

5 x Seige Tyrant Terminators with chainfists

3 x 5 terminators with combi-melta, chainfist, power sword, lightening claws and power fist

Command Rhino

Vindicator Squadron of 2 Vindicators

List Thoughts

Obviously this list is very elite and I'd need to look after my troops (all 3 of them)! As they would be deepstriking and wearing cataphractii terminator armour I would have to be weary of template weapons; unfortunately that's not easy to do.

Perturabo allows reserves to be rolled from turn one, to give me a better chance of these reserves turning up, the command rhino is a must as it allows reserves to enter the game on a 2+ instead of the 3+. It also has the added bonus that it has an orbital bombardment.

The Iron Circle are there to look cool (and smash things of course)! Depending on what I face I stick Perturabo with them or with a unit of deepstriking terminators.

The Seige Tyrant Terminators are used for anti-tank as they fire 2 krak missiles each at 48" giving me a large threat range. They also have chainfists if I decide to deepstrike them next to enemy armour.

The Vindicators are used to present another threat on the table so that my opponent has to choose between them or the iron circle.

The list was surprisingly resliant against most armies at the event, apart from one death guard army who I think had ~35 templates; that was a long game!!

Overall I had two wins, a draw and two losses. I'll post up the games soon with added pictures.

The vanguardians all won a cool iron on Hate patch, as well as a pick of one of the handmade ork-jectives Paul had made especially for the event.

Matthew Wordsmith of the Target Gaming Blog won best painted, Rob Hill of 30k plus 40k equals infinity blog won emperors chosen and pantheon chosen for being cool!

Hopefully 2017 can see the return of the trophy for vangaurd and that more vanguardians can help this happen!!

A new heresy begins!!

Hi all,

New to the whole blogging thing however it's the next logical step to getting things all Heresy Vanguardian to a wider audience and allowing people to add posts of their own.

This blog will be mainly dedicated to the horus heresy setting, including battle reports, discussions on tactics and list building as well as hobby related items.

I will have a look and check how to give people permission to post on here and update you all soon!!

Hope to see your posts on here soon!!
